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La Cause est entendue
The cause is heard
Leaflet issued on July 1st 1947 by the revolutionary surrealists from France and Belgium, to react to a leaflet issued by the group "Cause" (Cause. Rupture inaugurale, June 21, 1947), including Breton signature
Author(s): Achille Chavée Albert Ludé André Lorant Christian Dotremont Daniel Arents Édouard Jaguer Franz Moreau et Armand Simon. Hubert Juin Irène Hamoir Jacques Bureau Jacques Halpern Jacques Kober Jean Laude Jean Seeger Léon Rigot Louis Scutenaire (Jean Scutenaire) Louis Van De Spiegele Lucien Biton Lucien Justet Marcel Havrenne Marcel Lefrancq Max Bucaille Michel Holyman Noël Arnaud Paul Bourgoignie Paulette Daussy Pierre Desgraupes Pierre Dumayet Pierre Dumouchel Raymond Daussy René Passeron Suzan Allen Tibor Tardos Yves Battistini
Associated movement: Revolutionary surralism
Language : French
Medium : Leaflet
Original edition of the manifesto: Leaflet issued on July 1st 1947 by the revolutionary surrealists from France and Belgium, to react to a leaflet issued by the group "Cause" (Cause. Rupture inaugurale, June 21, 1947), including Breton signature
Where can we find this manifesto?
Link(s) to the manifesto:
Which critic recognizes the work as a manifesto ? or: Typical characteristics of a manifesto
Editorial comments:
Does the work corresponds to the definition of a manifesto? Yes
Does the work qualifies itself as a manifesto?
Is the signature individual, collective, or individual but in the name of a collective? Collective
Gender of the author(s):