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Vivre et laisser mourir
accompagnait le tableau qui fit scandale Vivre et Laisser mourir ou la fin tragique de Marcel Duchamp
Associated movement:
Language : French
Medium : Leaflet
Original edition of the manifesto: accompagnait le tableau qui fit scandale Vivre et Laisser mourir ou la fin tragique de Marcel Duchamp
Where can we find this manifesto? Catalogue Expo La Figuration Narrative, Centre Pompidou, 2008
Link(s) to the manifesto:
Which critic recognizes the work as a manifesto ? or: Typical characteristics of a manifesto
Editorial comments:
Does the work corresponds to the definition of a manifesto?
Does the work qualifies itself as a manifesto?
Is the signature individual, collective, or individual but in the name of a collective? Collective
Gender of the author(s): H