Der Blaue Reiter Almanach (Preface)

Preface to Der Blaue Reiter Almanach

Kandinsky, Marc, Almanach Der Blaue Reiter, Munchen, R. Piper & Co. Verlag, Munich, 1912. 1100 copies
Associated movement: Der Blaue Reiter
Language : German
Medium : Book
Original edition of the manifesto: Kandinsky, Marc, Almanach Der Blaue Reiter, Munchen, R. Piper & Co. Verlag, Munich, 1912. 1100 copies
Where can we find this manifesto? Caws, Mary Ann, Manifesto - A century of isms, University of Nebraska Press, 2000; Danchev, Alex, 100 Artists' Manifestos. From the Futurists to the Stuckists, Penguin, Londres, 2011.
Link(s) to the manifesto:
Which critic recognizes the work as a manifesto ? or: Typical characteristics of a manifesto Caws, Mary Ann, Manifesto - A century of isms, University of Nebraska Press, 2000; Danchev, Alex, 100 Artists' Manifestos. From the Futurists to the Stuckists, Penguin, Londres, 2011.
Editorial comments: For Danchev, this preface is both an editorial and an artist's manifesto. The text illustrate well the links between preface and manifesto genre.
Does the work corresponds to the definition of a manifesto? No
Does the work qualifies itself as a manifesto?
Is the signature individual, collective, or individual but in the name of a collective? Collective
Gender of the author(s): H