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Arbeistrat fur Kunst – Flugblatt
Working Council of Arts - Leaflet
Leaflet distributed for the Exhibition for Unknown Architects, april 1919, organized by the AFK (Arbeistrat fur kunst): Ausstellung für unbekannte Architekten, Veranstaltet vom Arbeitsrat für Kunst, Graphischen Kabinett, J. B. Neumann, Kurfürstendamm 232 - April 1919, Berlinische Galerie.19.
Associated movement: Working Council for Arts
Language : German
Medium : Leaflet
Original edition of the manifesto: Leaflet distributed for the Exhibition for Unknown Architects, april 1919, organized by the AFK (Arbeistrat fur kunst): Ausstellung für unbekannte Architekten, Veranstaltet vom Arbeitsrat für Kunst, Graphischen Kabinett, J. B. Neumann, Kurfürstendamm 232 - April 1919, Berlinische Galerie.19.
Where can we find this manifesto? Ulrich Conrads, Programmes et manifestes de l'architecture du XX siècle, Les éditions de la Villette, Paris 1991(1ère édition Vieweg & Sohn 1981); Danchev, Alex, 100 Artists' Manifestos. From the Futurists to the Stuckists, Penguin, Londres, 2011.
Link(s) to the manifesto:
Which critic recognizes the work as a manifesto ? or: Typical characteristics of a manifesto Ulrich Conrads, Programmes et manifestes de l'architecture du XX siècle, Les éditions de la Villette, Paris 1991(1ère édition Vieweg & Sohn 1981); Danchev, Alex, 100 Artists' Manifestos. From the Futurists to the Stuckists, Penguin, Londres, 2011.
Editorial comments: The programme is widely regarded as a manifesto by critics. Danchev reproduced it with the title "What is Architecture?"
Does the work corresponds to the definition of a manifesto? Yes
Does the work qualifies itself as a manifesto?
Is the signature individual, collective, or individual but in the name of a collective? Collective
Gender of the author(s): H