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Le soulèvement de la jeunesse. Premier Manifeste
[The uprising of the youth. First manifesto]
Isidore Isou, Le soulèvement de la jeunesse. Premier manifeste, SOS, 1950
Author(s): Isidore Isou
Associated movement: Lettrism
Language : French
Medium : Leaflet|Periodical Press|Book
Original edition of the manifesto: Isidore Isou, Le soulèvement de la jeunesse. Premier manifeste, SOS, 1950
Where can we find this manifesto? Isidore Isou, Les manifestes du soulèvement de la jeunesse (1950-1966), préface de Roland Sabatier, Al Dante, 2004
Link(s) to the manifesto:
Which critic recognizes the work as a manifesto ? or: Typical characteristics of a manifesto
Editorial comments: Isou wrote "Le soulèvement de la jeunesse" in 1947. Gallimard postponed the publication, and the manifesto was issued from Isou in 1950. In 1967, the first manifesto is published with a second and a third manifestos for the Centre de la créativité. As for "Du temps que les surréalistes avaient raison", it's certainly a political text, but it's written by an artist and stands as a Lettrist manifesto, bot as a political and artistic manifesto. In 1949, in his Traité d'économie nucléaire. Le Soulèvement de la Jeunesse, Isou founded a dynamic economic system aimed at liberating the revolutionary forces of youth. External youth, i.e. youth on the fringes of the economic sphere, manifests itself either in pure creativity, channelled into inventions and cultural discoveries, or, conversely, in the misappropriated creativity that gives rise to wars and revolutions. To reduce the disasters of misappropriated creativity, Isou envisaged a programme of Juventist Protégisme designed to speed up the integration of young outsiders into the economic sphere. These visionary ideas foreshadowed some of the demands that fuelled the events of 1968 in Paris and many other countries. (
Does the work corresponds to the definition of a manifesto? Yes
Does the work qualifies itself as a manifesto?
Is the signature individual, collective, or individual but in the name of a collective? Individual, in the name of a collective
Gender of the author(s): H