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Les Nouveaux Réalistes
[The New Realists]
Published in Paris and Milan (Apollinaire gallery), in Italian and French, 16 April 1960. The constitutive declarations of Nouveau Réalisme, handwritten on blue paper, was signed in Klein's apartment (rue Campagne-Première, Paris) the 27 October 1960 by Arman, François Dufrêne, Raymond Hains, Yves Klein, Jean Tinguely, Jacques Villeglé, Martial Raysse, Daniel Spoerri
Author(s): Pierre Restany
Associated movement: New Realism
Language : French
Medium : Book (Exhibition catalogue)
Original edition of the manifesto: Published in Paris and Milan (Apollinaire gallery), in Italian and French, 16 April 1960. The constitutive declarations of Nouveau Réalisme, handwritten on blue paper, was signed in Klein's apartment (rue Campagne-Première, Paris) the 27 October 1960 by Arman, François Dufrêne, Raymond Hains, Yves Klein, Jean Tinguely, Jacques Villeglé, Martial Raysse, Daniel Spoerri
Where can we find this manifesto? Pierre Restany, Manifeste des Nouveaux Réalistes, Dilecta, 2007. Kramer, Antje (ed), Les grands manifestes de l'art des XIXe et Xxe siècle, Paris: Beaux Arts éditions, 2011.
Link(s) to the manifesto:
Which critic recognizes the work as a manifesto ? or: Typical characteristics of a manifesto Kramer, Antje (ed), Les grands manifestes de l'art des XIXe et Xxe siècle, Paris: Beaux Arts éditions, 2011.
Editorial comments: Statement written by a critic, becomed a manifesto retrospectively in the global dynamic of the group
Does the work corresponds to the definition of a manifesto? Yes
Does the work qualifies itself as a manifesto?
Is the signature individual, collective, or individual but in the name of a collective? Individual, in the name of a collective
Gender of the author(s): H