Manifeste Chutéyé Mavramort et Neptune Port IX

Manifeste Chutéyé Mavramort et Neptune Port IX

[Chutéyé Mavramort and Neptune Port IX Manifesto]

Jeu : Revue de Théâtre n°7, hiver 1978, Manifestes et Textes Théoriques.
Associated movement:
Language : French
Original edition of the manifesto: Jeu : Revue de Théâtre n°7, hiver 1978, Manifestes et Textes Théoriques.
Where can we find this manifesto? Jeu : Revue de Théâtre n°7, hiver 1978, Manifestes et Textes Théoriques
Link(s) to the manifesto:
Which critic recognizes the work as a manifesto ? or: Typical characteristics of a manifesto
Editorial comments: This manifesto was first a speech, pronounced in 1974 at the end of the play : "Wouf Wouf" by Sauvageau at the "Théâtre du Gesù" in Montreal by the Nouvelle Compagnie du Théâtre
Does the work corresponds to the definition of a manifesto? Yes
Does the work qualifies itself as a manifesto?
Is the signature individual, collective, or individual but in the name of a collective? Individual
Gender of the author(s): HF