Manifeste du Mouvement Dada

Dada Movement Manifesto

« Manifiesto del Ultra », Ultra, 20 mai 1921; Baleares, a. V, n. 131, February 15, 1921
Author(s): Francis Picabia
Associated movement: Dadaism
Language : French
Original edition of the manifesto: « Manifiesto del Ultra », Ultra, 20 mai 1921; Baleares, a. V, n. 131, February 15, 1921
Where can we find this manifesto? F. Picabia, Écrits, t1 (1913-1920), textes réunis et présenté par Olivier Revault d’Allones, Paris, P. Belfond, 1975, p. 188.
Link(s) to the manifesto:
Which critic recognizes the work as a manifesto ? or: Typical characteristics of a manifesto
Editorial comments: Un dessin de Francis Picabia se trouve à gauche de ce texte, au-dessus de la signature.
Does the work corresponds to the definition of a manifesto? Yes
Does the work qualifies itself as a manifesto?
Is the signature individual, collective, or individual but in the name of a collective? Individual, in the name of a collective
Gender of the author(s):