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Manifeste peut-être
[Manifesto maybe]
Création, revista internacional de arte, [n. 3], February 1924, Paris-Madrid, as part of "LE GRAND ENNEMI DU POEME EST LA POESIE"
Author(s): Vicente Huidobro
Associated movement: Creationism
Language : French
Medium : Periodical Press
Original edition of the manifesto: Création, revista internacional de arte, [n. 3], February 1924, Paris-Madrid, as part of "LE GRAND ENNEMI DU POEME EST LA POESIE"
Where can we find this manifesto?
Link(s) to the manifesto:
Which critic recognizes the work as a manifesto ? or: Typical characteristics of a manifesto
Editorial comments:
Does the work corresponds to the definition of a manifesto? Yes
Does the work qualifies itself as a manifesto?
Is the signature individual, collective, or individual but in the name of a collective? Individual
Gender of the author(s): H