Art …INSTEAD OF BOMBS… …AMERICAN PLANE… …INSTEAD OF BOMBS… …AMER… United States 1966 Wolf Vostell Fluxus English
Literature [Sur la poudre de projection] On Projection Powder France 1917 Blaise Cendrars Cubisme French
Art A proposition, a problem, a danger and a… A proposition, a problem, a da… United States 1966 Robert Filliou Fluxus English
Architecture Bigness or the problem of large. Manifes… Bigness or the problem of larg… Netherlands 1994 Rem Koolhaas
Art Commune Manifesto 1973 Commune Manifesto 1973 Austria 1973 AA-Kommune, Otto Muehl AA-Kommune German
Art Complessità plastica – Gioco libero fut… [Plastic Compexity – Futuristi… Italy 1914 Fortunato Depero Futurismo Italian
Literature Composition as Explanation Composition as Explanation United States 1926 Gertrude Stein Writing and the book English
Literature De la déception pure, manifeste froid France 1973 André Velter, Jean-Christophe Bailly, Serge Sautreau, Yves Buin French
Architecture Delirious New York: a retroactive manife… Delirious New York: a retroact… United States 1978 Rem Koolhaas English
Art, Painting Den gudomliga geometrien: en uppsats om … The Divine geometry: an essay … Sweden 1922 Gösta Adrian-Nilsson Kubism Suédois